The One Routine You Should Make for Fall

Oct 27, 2022

It’s VATA season! In Ayurveda, VATA is the erratic energy of creativity, movement, mobility and motility. If you are new to Ayurvedic Medicine, we talked about VATA energy in episode 17 of the Herbs and Ease podcast. Feel free to give a listen!

During the Fall, VATA energy can become imbalanced, causing an array of issues that can affect you holistically (mentally, spiritually, and physically), but where do these imbalances show up, and how do you address and treat these imbalances?

Keep reading to learn more about the importance of routines, specifically a bedtime routine, and how they can help combat the issues that come with imbalanced VATA energy.


Imbalances in VATA energy can show up physically through ailments that are listed below.

  • Dry skin

  • Unpredictable energy

  • Digestive issues

  • Upper respiratory tract issues (infections, cough)

  • Dehydration

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Sore throat

Most of these ailments are fairly common and are unfortunately difficult to get rid of. Luckily, there are practices and herbs that effectively combat these issues and can help you restore balance to your VATA energy.

Remember that VATA energy is not inherently bad or harmful and can be used in wonderful ways when balanced!


Hold up! Are you an auditory learner? LISTEN to this article in podcast format ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️



In the Fall, there are a few essentials that we can emphasize in our self care practice to stay balanced during this fun and frantic time, and one of my mostly highly suggested behaviors is to create and stick to a routine.

There are various routines that you may already have established or hope to establish such as

  • A morning routine

  • An exercise routine

  • A dinner routine

  • A weekly routine

  • A daily routine

If this sounds overwhelming to you in what is usually an already overwhelming time of the year, my number one suggestion to you is to create a bedtime routine

A bedtime routine is one that supports healthy sleep patterns so that your sleep is restorative and nourishing. Think of it as a routine that helps you get good vitamin sleep.


Your bedtime routine should:

  • Create a boundary between your daily life and your sleep practice

  • Give you enough time to rest fully

  • Emphasize how much sleep opportunity you need to function well and support your immune system during the fall and winter months

Remember that setting boundaries with yourself is just as important as setting boundaries with others, and setting boundaries with yourself is an act of self-love!

What goes into your sleep routine will depend on your responsibilities, biology, and context. There is no wrong way to create a sleep routine and, at first, you may be trying different ideas out.

Finding the foundations of your routine takes trial and error, so just consider yourself a wellness scientist; be open to it being a long journey that changes throughout the seasons of the year and of your life.

Your bedtime routine does not have to fit any specific mold, and you can change your routine as you change throughout the seasons!


To set an effective bedtime routine that is curated specifically for your needs and access to resources, it is crucial to keep in mind how lightly or heavily you sleep.

There is a difference between actual sleep and sleep opportunity. For example, if you know that you have difficulty falling asleep or have a longer bedtime routine, giving yourself a larger window of sleep opportunity (the time you have to fall asleep and stay asleep in bed) will help you have a better quality of sleep.

One way to start your bedtime routine that will also help balance your VATA energy is to settle down with a warm cup of tea. Our Deeper Dreamer tea sold in our apothecary is the perfect blend of herbs like linden, chamomile, and mugwort that will relax your body and your mind.

While sipping on a cup of bedtime tea, turning on relaxing music will help your mind prepare for sleeping and give your brain an association to know that it is time to wind down.

Now, this component may be a bit difficult to incorporate, but it is turning off all of your screens. Of course, it is fun to scroll through social media or watch your favorite TV show, but doing these actions right before bed stimulate your brain instead of relaxing it, thus decreasing your window of sleep opportunity when you hit the pillow.

The components that you incorporate into your bedtime routine will be different from someone else, and you may even incorporate components that are not mentioned above, and that is okay! We all have specific needs, lifestyles, and ways of operating.

The beauty of creating a bedtime routine is that you are in control and get to incorporate as many or as little components as you like!

Above all, I highly suggest that, regardless of the nuances and complexities of your life and responsibilities, you still make sleep a priority, especially during the fall season when VATA energy is high and the need for quality sleep increases. Doing will make an impact on your mental, physical, and emotional health!

With the Fall comes a decrease in sunlight which can induce mental health issues for many people and a general feeling of fatigue and lethargy, but think of the decrease in sunlight as an opportunity to curl up into the fall cozies and to get more rest as we start to turn our attention inwards and prepare for the hibernation of the winter season.


Now that you have some options for components to promote relaxation, you can now create your own bedtime routine that is unique to you. Below are some points to keep in mind when creating your routine.

  1. Determine what time you need to wake up/what your sleep needs are 

  2. Remember that the time you are in bed is your sleep opportunity and that is different from the time you are actually asleep

  3. Determine how long it takes you to wind down from your day

  4. Make a list of things that would be nice to have in your sleep routine. This may include journaling, reading, cup of tea, playing an instrument, cuddling and connecting with your partner, taking the dog on a bedtime walk, tidying the house, etc 

  5. Cross out what seems unreasonable given your life context

  6. Play around with timing for a few weeks until you feel like you got it right

It will take time to create and solidify your bedtime routine, and that is okay! Keep in mind that this process is trial and error—you are discovering what works for your specific needs and lifestyle and what does not.

Remember that sleep is one of the foundations of self care and that it influences all the systems of the body and the proper functioning of the mind. It is crucial for both mental and physical health. If you are struggling with any recurring or common ailments, start playing around with your sleep!


Listen to this post on the Herbs + Ease Podcast for a more detailed educational experience!




Kristen Prosen